Plains of Abraham

Two days ago a great battle was fought, and we won. We have conquered Quebec City! It is quite amazing how we did it. General James Wolfe had lead about 4500 soldiers, by water, to a cove near the city. They, somehow, climbed up a cliff of about 65 meters quietly without making enough sound to be heard from further of by he French. After they had set up for battle and marched right up to the French who were forced to fight them in the open. We had won the battle. What I think is quite funny is how they got passed the guard just by speaking in French. I wonder what happened to those guards. They let 4500 British soldiers go right past them. I would not like to have been one of them right now. I can not believe what I would have done if I let that happen. Sadly, General James Wolfe died during the battle.

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